Flow cytometry is a widely used technique to study many aspects of cell biology While flow cytometry has been a cornerstone of biomedical research for decades, it has applications in a number of fields in ecotoxicology, including molecular biology, microbiology, plant biology, marine biology and nanotechnology. It enables multi-parametric analysis of the physical and chemical characteristics of cells at high throughput (over a thousand cells/second). In this way, a wide range of cellular characteristics can be assessed, including expression of cell surface and intracellular molecules, characterization of heterogeneous cell populations, assessment of population purity, and analysis of viability and various cell functions.
CyFlow™ Cube 6 V2m is a flow cytometer for the analysis of micro-organisms in suspension, individual cells and micro particles. The apparatus can make multi-parameters analysis, including forward scatter (FSC), side scatter (SSC) and 4 fluorescence channels (FL1-FL4).
- Cell counts and viability
- Expression fo cellular markers
- Cell functions (e.g. apoptosis, phagocytosis, cell division, oxidation, etc.
Matrix : Liquid medium mono-dispersed preparations
Yves St-Pierre Marlène Fortier
Full Professor and Scientific Director Research Assistant
Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) INRS
Email : yves.st-pierre@inrs.ca Email : marlene.fortier@inrs.ca