Name, First Name | Categorie | Institution | Department | Country | Expertise | |
Afif, Charbel | Researcher outside Quebec | Saint Joseph University, Lebanon | Faculté des sciences | Liban | Qualité de l’air, émissions atmosphériques, sources de polluants atmosphériques, matières particulaires, aérosols organiques, composés organiques volatils. | |
Auffret, Michel | Researcher outside Québec | Université de Bretagne Occidentale | France | Ecotoxicology of aquatic environments (marine environment), toxicology of the environment (immunotoxicology), quality assessment of anthropized marine ecosystems, chemical contamination and global change. |
Baudiffier, Damien | Researcher oustide Québec | Fondation de Coopération Scientifique Rovaltain | France |
Aquatic ecotixocology, endocrine disruptors, biomarkers, biotests, xenobiotics mode of action, Adverse Outcome Pathway, molecular biology. |
Baudrimont, Magalie | Researcher outside Quebec | Université de Bordeaux | UMR EPOC | France | Aquatic ecotoxicology, metal trace elements, nanoparticles, nanoplastiques, bivalves, fishes, transcriptomique, detoxication. | |
Beaufils, Pierre | Government researcher | Transports Canada | Clean water policies | Canada | Management, monitoring program, marine biology, whales, rorquals, belugas, clams, toxic algae. | |
Beaulieu, Joanie | Non-profit organization researcher | Nature Action Québec | Canada | Chorus frog, amphibians, temporary ponds, invasive alien plant species, conservation, emodin, ecotoxicology | ||
Bergeron, Patrick | Quebec researcher | Université Bishop’s | Département des sciences biologiques | Canada | Limnaea stagnalis, mesocosm, bio-accumulation, pesticides, traits d’histoire de vie | |
Blewett, Tamzin | Researcher oustide Québec | Université d’Alberta | Canada | Marine, metals, freshwater, invertebrates, fish, biochemistry, organics, oil, contaminants | ||
Blier, Pierre | Quebec professor | Université du Québec à Rimouski | Biology, chemistry and geography | Animal bioenergetics, mitochondrial physiology, oxidative stress management, evolution of the mitochondrial genome and functions in ectotherms, physiology of cellular aging. | ||
Bonnineau, Chloé | Researcher outside Quebec | INRAE | UR RiverLy | France | Écotoxicologie microbienne aquatique, périphyton, sédiment, mesures fonctionnelles, PICT : Pollution Induced Community Tolerance. | |
Boué, Cédric | Non-profit organization Researcher | Nature Action Québec | Canada | Chorus frog, amphibians, temporary ponds, invasive alien plant species, conservation, emodin, ecotoxicology. | ||
Brar, Satinder Kaur | Professor | York University | Civil Engineering | Canada | Contaminants émergents, traitement biologique, effluents, boues d’épuration, valorisation des déchets, biodégradation, biotransformation. | |
Burgeot, Thierry | Researcher outside Quebec | IFREMER | Ressources Biologiques et Environnement | France | Marine ecotoxicology, monitoring the biological effects of historical and emerging chemical contaminants in the North-East Atlantic and Mediterranean, development of biomarker and bioassay thresholds, genotoxicity, metabolic mechanisms. | |
Campbell, Peter G.C. | Retired professor | INRS | ETE | Canada | Biogéochimie et écotoxicologie des métaux (algues; macrophytes; invertébrés; poissons). | |
Cachot, Jérôme | Researcher outside Quebec | Université de Bordeaux | UMR EPOC | France | Écotoxicologie aquatique, multi-stress, évaluation des risques environnementaux, pesticides, HAP, microplastiques, stades précoces de développement, génotoxicité, embryotoxicité, comportement. | |
Cledon, Maximiliano | Researcher outside Québec | CIMAS | Argentine | Biosurveillance, waste treatment, risk assessment, sanitation. |
Comeau, Yves | Quebec researcher | Polytechnique Montréal | Département des génies civil, géologique et des mines | Canada | Épuration des eaux usées, récupération des ressources, phosphore, azote, modélisation. | |
Comte, Jerôme | Quebec researcher | Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique | Centre Eau Terre Environnement | Canada | Environmental genomics, molecular biology, microbial ecology, microbial diversity and function, biogeography. | |
Dang, Huy | Researcher outside Quebec | Université Trent | École de l’environnement et Département de chimie | Canada | Contamination inorganique, source d’émission, transformation, devenir, transfert trophique, spéciation chimique, bioaccumulation | |
Desrosiers, Mélanie | Government researcher | MELCC | CEAEQ | Canada | Évaluation du risque écotoxicologique, sédiments, toxicité, bioaccumulation, communauté benthique, contaminants d’intérêt émergent. | |
Fernie, Kim | Government researcher | Environnement et Changement climatique Canada | Canada | Avian toxicologist, environmental contaminants, endocrine disruption, avian reproduction, behaviour, PFAS, flame retardants, microplastics | ||
Fleury, Carole | Assistant manager | Ville de Montréal | Wastewater treatment department | Canada | Écologie aquatique, poissons, qualité de l’eau, microbiologie, réglementation environnementale. | |
Fournier, Valérie | Quebec researcher | Université Laval | Département de phytologie | Canada | Abeilles sauvages, abeille domestique, pesticides, néonicotinoides, entomologie agricole, services écosystémiques, biodiversité. | |
Gailer, Jürgen | Researcher outside Quebec | University of Calgary | Département de Chimie | Canada | Toxic metal(loid)s, adverse health, mechanism of action, blood plasma, red blood cells, bioinorganic chemistry, organ damage | |
Gagné, François | Government Researcher | Environnement et Changement climatique Canada | Canada | Biochemical ecotoxicology, mechanisms of action, emerging substances, multistress, neuro-endocrine disruption, genotoxicity, immunotoxicity, xenobiotic metabolism and oxidative stress, toxicogenomics, metabolomics, metallomics. | ||
Gagné, Jean-Pierre | Quebec researcher | Université du Québec à Rimouski | ISMER | Canada | Hydrophobic organic contaminants common pesticides, toxaphene nanoparticles, humic substances and natural organic matter, sorption of contaminants on natural organic matter, transport and sequestration of contaminants, three-dimensional fluorescence (Fluo 3D or MEEF), analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry |
Gagnon, Christian | Government Researcher | Environnement et Changement climatique Canada | Canada | Biogeochemistry, metals, nanomaterials, lanthanides, pharmaceuticals, algal toxins, municipal effluents, transformation, bioavailability. | ||
Gagnon, Claudie | Government researcher | Administration portuaire de Trois-Rivières | Développement durable | Canada | Industrial and mining environments, water quality, bioaccumulation, aquatic fauna. | |
Geffard, Olivier | Researcher outside Québec | INRAE | France | Aquatic ecotoxicology, invertebrates, diagnostic tools, active biomonitoring, large-scale approach, environmental contamination and toxicity. | ||
Gomes, Marcelo | Researcher outside Quebec | Université fédérale du Parana | Département de botanique | Brésil | Plantes, antibiotiques, physiologie, xénobiotiques | |
Gruyer, Nicolas | Government researcher | MELCC | CEAEQ | Canada | Écotoxicologie aquatique et terrestre, microbiologie, biologie, microscopie et génomique. | |
Houde, Magali | Government researcher | Environment and Climate Change Canada | Division de la recherche sur les contaminants aquatiques | Canada | Bioaccumulation, emerging substances, toxicogenomics, fish, invertebrates, marine mammals. | |
Juteau, Pierre | Scientific advisor | Ville de Montréal | Wastewater treatment department | Canada | Traitement des eaux usées, microbiologie, devenir des modulateurs endocriniens, devenir des contaminants d’intérêt émergent. | |
Kédoté, Marius | Researcher oustide Québec | Université d’Abomey-Calavi |
Bénin | Public health, evaluation, air pollution, West Africa, participatory and interdisciplinary approach, research ethics. | ||
Kerric, Anaïs | Governmental researcher | Environnement et Changement climatique Canada | Canada | Birds, organic contaminants, mercury, spatio-temporal monitoring | ||
Lajeunesse, André | Chemist | Ville de Montréal | Canada | Development of new analytical methods using various chromatographic techniques and mass spectrometry, characterization of drugs, poisons, toxins and metabolites contained in biological or environmental matrices, forensic toxicology, forensic environmental chemistry. | ||
Laurion, Isabelle | Quebec researcher | INRS | ETE | Canada | Limnology, biooptics, microbial ecology, carbon cycle, greenhouse gases, dissolved organic matter, algal blooms, ponds, permafrost, arctic. | |
Laviale, Martin | Researcher outside Québec | Université de Lorraine | France | Aquatic ecotoxicology, bioassessment, microalgae, biofilms, diatoms, functional approaches, photosynthesis, imaging. | ||
Lavoie, Raphaël | Governement researcher | Environnement et Changement climatique Canada | Canada | Birds, Biomagnification, Food webs, Mercury, Organohalogens, Stable isotopes, Space-time monitoring. | ||
Le Faucheur, Séverine | Researcher outside Quebec | Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour | IPREM | France | Metals, bioavailability, effects, bioindicators, biofilms, microalgae. | |
Lecomte, Vivien | Researcher outside Québec | INRAE | France | Scientific mediation, popularization, territorial strategy, urban micropollutants, non-domestic effluent management, active biomonitoring | ||
Letcher, Robert | Government researcher | Environment and Climate Change Canada | Direction des sciences et de la technologie | Canada | Chemical Pollutants; Ecotoxicology (including Wildlife Toxicology); Environmental, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry; in vivo and in vitro toxicology; Aquatic Toxicology; Fate, Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification; Metabolism and Biotransformation; Environmental Biomarkers; Aquatic and Terrestrial and Ecosystems | |
Martel, Louis | Retired government researcher | Retired from MELCCFP/CEAEQ | Canada | |||
Martineau, Daniel | Retired professor | Université de Montréal | Faculté de médecine vétérinaire | Canada | Belugas, cancer, contaminants, immunology, marine mammals, veterinary pathology, toxicology, virology. | |
Martin-Laurent, Fabrice | Researcher outside Québec | INRAE | UMR Agroécologie | France | ||
Michaud, Robert | Non-profit organization researcher | GREMM | Canada | Behavioral ecology, ecotoxicology, assessment and monitoring of endangered populations, conservation and education, marine mammals. | ||
Moingt, Matthieu | Associate professor | Université du Québec à Montréal | Canada | Geochemistry, Analytical chemistry, Environmental contaminant monitoring, Stable isotopes | ||
Morin, Soizic | Researcher outside Quebec | INRAE | UR Écosystèmes aquatiques et changements globaux | France | Écotoxicologie aquatique, biofilms, diatomées, métaux, pesticides, multistress. | |
Mueller, Kristin | Government researcher | MELCC | CEAEQ | Canada | Métaux, minéraux critiques et stratégiques, biogéochimie, écotoxicologie, évaluation du risque écotoxicologique. | |
Olsen, Caroline | Private-sector researcher | SGS | Ressources naturelles – Métallurgie et Conseil | Canada | Métallurgie extractive, hydrométallurgie, flottation, chimie, spéciation, procédés propres, projets collaboratifs. | |
Pain-Devin, Sandrine | Researcher outside Quebec | Université de Lorraine | Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Environnements Continentaux (LIEC) | France | Ecotoxicologie Aquatique – Biosurveillance – Biomarqueurs physiologiques – Mollusques Bivalves (dreissènes et corbicules) | |
Palace, Vince | Non-profit organization researcher | IISD-Experimental Lakes Area (IISD) |
Canada | Aquatic ecotoxicology, fish physiology, thyroid disruption, oil spills, remediation. | ||
Paris Louise-Emmanuelle | Consultant | Sanexen Services Environnementaux Inc. | risk assessment | Canada |
(Eco)toxicological risk assessment, Environmental modeling, Biotests, Soil, Water, Air.
Paquet, Nathalie | Government researcher | MELCC | CEAEQ | Canada | Ecotoxicological risk assessment, remediation of contaminated land, radionuclides, metals, emerging contaminants. | |
Pelletier, Émilien | Emerit professor | Université du Québec à Rimouski | ISMER | Canada |
Marine ecotoxicology, sequestration and bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, environmental risk assessment, molecular and cellular mechanisms of toxicity |
Pierron, Fabien | Researcher outside Quebec | CNRS | UMR EPOC | France | Aquatic ecotoxicology, molecular biology, transcriptomics, epigenetics, fish. | |
Pitre, Frédéric | Quebec researcher | Université de Montréal | Institut de recherche en biologie végétale | Canada | Toxicogénomique, Traitement des eaux usées, phytoremédiation de sols contaminés, Contaminants dans les végétaux, Contaminants émergents, Phytotechnologies, Infrastructures vertes et naturelles. | |
Renoux, Agnès | Consultant | Sanexen Services Environnementaux Inc. | Analyse de risques | Canada | (Eco)toxicological risk assessment, Environmental modeling, Biotests, Soil, Water, Air. | |
Robidoux, Pierre Yves | Government researcher | MELCCFP | Canada | Environmental assessment, toxicological and ecotoxicological risk assessment, aquatic toxicology, terrestrial toxicology, genotoxicity/mutagenicity, aquatic and terrestrial environments, environmental biotechnologies, emerging contaminants, life cycle analysis. | ||
Robitaille, Julie | Government researcher | MELCCFP | CEAEQ | Canada | Ecotoxicological risk assessment, in vitro bioassay, fish, endocrine disruption, wastewater, pesticides | |
Slaveykova, Vera | Researcher outside Quebec | Université de Genève | Department F.-A. Forel of environmental and water sciences |
Suisse | Speciation, bioavailability uptake, oxidative stress, phytoplancton, biofilms, algal transcriptomics, biomarkers, mercury and nanoparticles, aquatic systems. |
Smith, Scott | Researcher outside Quebec | Wilfrid Laurier University | Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry | Canada | Metal speciation, dissolved organic matter, nutrient removal and recovery. | |
Tremblay, Louis | Researcher outside Quebec | University of Auckland | School of Biological Sciences | Nouvelle-Zélande | Aquatic ecotoxicology, emerging pollutants, multigenerational effects, fish, evolutionary toxicology, transcriptomics, toxicity mechanisms, comparative physiology, anthropogenic stressors. | |
Trudeau, Vance | Researcher outside Quebec | University of Ottawa | Département de biologie | Canada | Pertubateurs endocrinniens, pesticides, acides naphtheniques, estrogènes, poissons, amphibiens | |
Triffault-Bouchet, Gaëlle | Government researcher | MELCCFP | CEAEQ | Canada | Biodisponibilité des contaminants, écotoxicologie aquatique et terrestre, évaluation du risque. | |
Vaillancourt, Cathy | Québec Professor | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologies | Canada | Ecosystem approach to health, pregnancy, placenta, natural disaster, endocrine disruptor, serotonin, stress, melatonin. | ||
Zbinden, Dany | Non-profit organization researcher | Mériscope | Canada | Marine mammals, minke whale biopsy sampling, behavioral ecology, polar biology. |