Collaborating members

Name, First Name Categorie Institution Department Country Expertise
Afif, Charbel Researcher outside Quebec Saint Joseph University, Lebanon Faculté des sciences Liban Air quality, atmospheric emissions, sources of air pollutants, particulate matter, organic aerosols, volatile organic compounds.
Auffret, Michel Researcher outside QuébecUniversité de Bretagne Occidentale France Ecotoxicology of aquatic environments (marine environment), toxicology of the environment (immunotoxicology),
quality assessment of anthropized marine ecosystems, chemical contamination and global change.
Baudiffier, Damien Researcher oustide Québec Fondation de Coopération Scientifique Rovaltain France

Aquatic ecotixocology, endocrine disruptors, biomarkers, biotests, xenobiotics mode of action, Adverse Outcome Pathway, molecular biology.

Baudrimont, Magalie Researcher outside Quebec Université de Bordeaux UMR EPOC France Aquatic ecotoxicology, metal trace elements, nanoparticles, nanoplastiques, bivalves, fishes, transcriptomique, detoxication.
Beaufils, Pierre Government researcher Transports Canada Clean water policies Canada Management, monitoring program, marine biology, whales, rorquals, belugas, clams, toxic algae.
Beaulieu, Joanie Non-profit organization researcher Nature Action Québec Canada Chorus frog, amphibians, temporary ponds, invasive alien plant species, conservation, emodin, ecotoxicology.
Bergeron, Patrick Quebec researcher Université Bishop’s Departmenet of biological sciences Canada Limnaea stagnalis, mesocosm, bio-accumulation, pesticides, traits d’histoire de vie
Blewett, Tamzin Researcher oustide Québec Université d’Alberta Canada Marine, metals, freshwater, invertebrates, fish, biochemistry, organics, oil, contaminants
Blier, Pierre Quebec professor Université du Québec à Rimouski Biology, chemistry and geography Animal bioenergetics, mitochondrial physiology, oxidative stress management, evolution of the mitochondrial genome and functions in ectotherms, physiology of cellular aging.
Bonnineau, Chloé Researcher outside Quebec INRAE UR RiverLy France Aquatic microbial ecotoxicology, periphyton, sediment, functional measurements, PICT : Pollution Induced Community Tolerance.
Boué, Cédric Non-profit organization Researcher Nature Action Québec Canada Chorus frog, amphibians, temporary ponds, invasive alien plant species, conservation, emodin, ecotoxicology.
Brar, Satinder Kaur Professor York University Civil Engineering Canada Emerging contaminants, biological treatment, effluents, sewage sludge, waste recovery, biodegradation, biotransformation.
Burgeot, Thierry Researcher outside Quebec IFREMER Ressources Biologiques et Environnement France Marine ecotoxicology, monitoring the biological effects of historical and emerging chemical contaminants in the North-East Atlantic and Mediterranean, development of biomarker and bioassay thresholds, genotoxicity, metabolic mechanisms.
Campbell, Peter G.C. Retired professor INRS ETE Canada Biogeochemistry and ecotoxicology of metals (algae; macrophytes; invertebrates; fish).
Cachot, Jérôme Researcher outside Quebec Université de Bordeaux UMR EPOC France Aquatic ecotoxicology, multi-stress, environmental risk assessment, pesticides, PAHs, microplastics, early stages of development, genotoxicity, embryotoxicity, behavior.
Cledon, Maximiliano Researcher outside Québec CIMAS Argentine Biosurveillance,
waste treatment,
risk assessment,
Comeau, Yves Quebec researcher Polytechnique Montréal Department of civil, geology and mines engineering Canada Wastewater treatment, resource recovery, phosphorus, nitrogen, modeling.
Comte, Jerôme Quebec researcher Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique Centre Eau Terre Environnement Canada Environmental genomics, molecular biology, microbial ecology, microbial diversity and function, biogeography.
Couture, Raoul Quebec researcher Université Laval Chemistry department Canada Aquatic geochemistry, Biogeochemical cycles, Limnology, Sediments, Redox, Trace elements, Modeling, Instrumented moorings, Impacts and adaptation to climate change.
Dang, Huy Researcher outside Quebec Université Trent School of environment and chemistry department Canada Inorganic contamination, emission source, transformation, fate, trophic transfer, chemical speciation, bioaccumulation
Desrosiers, Mélanie Government researcher MELCC CEAEQ Canada Ecotoxicological risk assessment, sediments, toxicity, bioaccumulation, benthic community, contaminants of emerging interest.
Fernie, Kim Government researcher Environment and Climate Change Canada Canada Avian toxicologist, environmental contaminants, endocrine disruption, avian reproduction, behaviour, PFAS, flame retardants, microplastics
Fleury, Carole Assistant manager City of Montréal Wastewater treatment department Canada Aquatic ecology, fish, water quality, microbiology, environmental regulations.
Fournier, Valérie Quebec researcher Université Laval Phytology department Canada Wild bees, honey bees, pesticides, neonicotinoids, agricultural entomology, ecosystem services, biodiversity.
Gailer, Jürgen Researcher outside Quebec University of Calgary Chemistry department Canada Toxic metal(loid)s, adverse health, mechanism of action, blood plasma, red blood cells, bioinorganic chemistry, organ damage
Gagné, François Government Researcher Environment and Climate Change Canada Canada Biochemical ecotoxicology, mechanisms of action, emerging substances, multistress, neuro-endocrine disruption, genotoxicity, immunotoxicity, xenobiotic metabolism and oxidative stress, toxicogenomics, metabolomics, metallomics.
Gagné, Jean-Pierre Quebec researcher Université du Québec à Rimouski ISMER Canada Hydrophobic organic contaminants
common pesticides, toxaphene
nanoparticles, humic substances and natural organic matter, sorption of contaminants on natural organic matter, transport and sequestration of contaminants, three-dimensional fluorescence (Fluo 3D or MEEF), analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry
Gagnon, Christian Government Researcher Environment and Climate Change Canada Canada Biogeochemistry, metals, nanomaterials, lanthanides, pharmaceuticals, algal toxins, municipal effluents, transformation, bioavailability.
Gagnon, Claudie Government researcher Administration portuaire de Trois-Rivières Développement durable Canada Industrial and mining environments, water quality, bioaccumulation, aquatic fauna.
Geffard, Olivier Researcher outside Québec INRAE France Aquatic ecotoxicology, invertebrates, diagnostic tools, active biomonitoring, large-scale approach, environmental contamination and toxicity.
Gomes, Marcelo Researcher outside Quebec Université fédérale du Parana Département de botanique Brazil Plants, antibiotics, physiology, xenobiotics
Gruyer, Nicolas Researcher

Montreal Biodome

Musée d’Espace pour la vie Canada Aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicology, microbiology, biology, microscopy and genomics.
Haroune, Lounès Manager Université de Sherbrooke Institut de pharmacologie de Sherbrooke – Plateforme de chimie bioanalytique Canada Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, transformation mechanisms, analysis of organic contaminants, development and application of bioassays.
Houde, Magali Government researcher Environment and Climate Change Canada Aquatic Contaminants Research Division Canada Bioaccumulation, emerging substances, toxicogenomics, fish, invertebrates, marine mammals.
Juteau, Pierre Scientific advisor City of Montréal Wastewater treatment department Canada Wastewater treatment, microbiology, fate of endocrine modulators, fate of contaminants of emerging interest.
Kédoté, Marius Researcher outsideQuébec Université d’Abomey-Calavi Bénin Public health, evaluation, air pollution, West Africa, participatory and interdisciplinary approach, research ethics.
Kerric, Anaïs Governmental researcher Environment and Climate Change Canada Canada Birds, organic contaminants, mercury, spatio-temporal monitoring
King, James Professor Université de Montréal Geography department Canada Air quality, climate change, wind erosion, trace metal contamination, paleoclimatology
Lajeunesse, André Chemist Ville de Montréal Canada Development of new analytical methods using various chromatographic techniques and mass spectrometry, characterization of drugs, poisons, toxins and metabolites contained in biological or environmental matrices, forensic toxicology, forensic environmental chemistry.
Lalonde, Karine Government researcher MELCCFP CEAEQ Canada Contaminants of emerging interest
Petroleum hydrocarbons
Flame retardants
Highly toxic contaminants
Laurion, Isabelle Quebec researcher INRS ETE Canada Limnology, biooptics, microbial ecology, carbon cycle, greenhouse gases, dissolved organic matter, algal blooms, ponds, permafrost, arctic.
Laviale, Martin Researcher outside Québec Université de Lorraine France Aquatic ecotoxicology, bioassessment, microalgae, biofilms, diatoms, functional approaches, photosynthesis, imaging.
Lavoie, Raphaël Governement researcher Environment and Climate Change Canada Canada Birds, Biomagnification, Food webs, Mercury, Organohalogens, Stable isotopes, Space-time monitoring.
Le Faucheur, Séverine Researcher outside Quebec Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour IPREM France Metals, bioavailability, effects, bioindicators, biofilms, microalgae.
Lecomte, Vivien Researcher outside Québec INRAE France Scientific mediation, popularization, territorial strategy, urban micropollutants, non-domestic effluent management, active biomonitoring
Lemarchand, Karine Quebec researcher Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR) ISMER Canada Marine bacteriology, marine microbial ecology, microbial ecotoxicology, structure and function of marine microbial communities, bioremediation of anthropogenic contaminants, control of marine biofouling, antimicrobials from marine biomass, bivalve microbiota, anthropogenic contaminants, marine bacteria
Letcher, Robert Government researcher Environment and Climate Change Canada Science and Technology Division Canada Chemical Pollutants; Ecotoxicology (including Wildlife Toxicology); Environmental, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry; in vivo and in vitro toxicology; Aquatic Toxicology; Fate, Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification; Metabolism and Biotransformation; Environmental Biomarkers; Aquatic and Terrestrial and Ecosystems
Martel, Louis Retired government researcher Retired from MELCCFP/CEAEQ Canada
Martineau, Daniel Retired professor Université de Montréal Faculté de médecine vétérinaire Canada Belugas, cancer, contaminants, immunology, marine mammals, veterinary pathology, toxicology, virology.
Martin-Laurent, Fabrice Researcher outside Québec INRAE UMR Agroécologie France
Michaud, Robert Non-profit organization researcher GREMM Canada Behavioral ecology, ecotoxicology, assessment and monitoring of endangered populations, conservation and education, marine mammals.
Moingt, Matthieu Associate professor Université du Québec à Montréal Canada Geochemistry, Analytical chemistry, Environmental contaminant monitoring, Stable isotopes
Morin, Soizic Researcher outside Quebec INRAE UR Écosystèmes aquatiques et changements globaux France Aquatic ecotoxicology, biofilms, diatoms, metals, pesticides, multistress.
Mueller, Kristin Government researcher MELCC CEAEQ Canada Métaux, minéraux critiques et stratégiques, biogéochimie, écotoxicologie, évaluation du risque écotoxicologique.
Olsen, Caroline Private-sector researcher SGS Ressources naturelles – Métallurgie et Conseil Canada Métallurgie extractive, hydrométallurgie, flottation, chimie, spéciation, procédés propres, projets collaboratifs.
Pain-Devin, Sandrine Researcher outside Quebec Université de Lorraine Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Environnements Continentaux (LIEC) France Ecotoxicologie Aquatique – Biosurveillance – Biomarqueurs physiologiques – Mollusques Bivalves (dreissènes et corbicules)
Palace, Vince Chercheur d’organisme sans but lucratif IISD-Experimental Lakes Area
Canada Aquatic ecotoxicology, fish physiology, thyroid disruption, oil spills, remediation.
Paris Louise-Emmanuelle Consultant Sanexen Services Environnementaux Inc. Risk assessment Canada (Eco)toxicological risk assessment, Environmental modeling, Biotests, Soil, Water, Air.
Paquet, Nathalie Government researcher MELCC CEAEQ Canada Ecotoxicological risk assessment, remediation of contaminated land, radionuclides, metals, emerging contaminants.
Pelletier, Émilien Emerit professor Université du Québec à Rimouski ISMER Canada

Marine ecotoxicology, sequestration and bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, environmental risk assessment, molecular and cellular mechanisms of toxicity

Pierron, Fabien Researcher outside Quebec CNRS UMR EPOC France Aquatic ecotoxicology, molecular biology, transcriptomics, epigenetics, fish.
Pitre, Frédéric Quebec researcher Université de Montréal Institut de recherche en biologie végétale Canada Toxicogenomics, Wastewater treatment, Phytoremediation of contaminated soils, Contaminants in plants, Emerging contaminants, Phytotechnologies, Green and natural infrastructures.
Renoux, Agnès Consultant Sanexen Services Environnementaux Inc. Risk assessment Canada (Eco)toxicological risk assessment, Environmental modeling, Biotests, Soil, Water, Air.
Robidoux, Pierre Yves Government researcher MELCCFP Canada Environmental assessment, toxicological and ecotoxicological risk assessment, aquatic toxicology, terrestrial toxicology, genotoxicity/mutagenicity, aquatic and terrestrial environments, environmental biotechnologies, emerging contaminants, life cycle analysis.
Robitaille, Julie Government researcher MELCCFP CEAEQ Canada Ecotoxicological risk assessment, in vitro bioassay, fish, endocrine disruption, wastewater, pesticides
Slaveykova, Vera Researcher outside Quebec Université de Genève Département
F.-A. Forel
des sciences de l’environnement et de l’eau
Suisse Speciation, bioavailability
uptake, oxidative stress, phytoplancton, biofilms,
algal transcriptomics,
biomarkers, mercury et nanoparticules, aquatic systems.
Smith, Scott Researcher outside Quebec Wilfrid Laurier University Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Canada Metal speciation, dissolved organic matter, nutrient removal and recovery.
Tremblay, Louis Researcher outside Quebec University of Auckland School of Biological Sciences Nouvelle-Zélande Aquatic ecotoxicology, emerging pollutants, multigenerational effects, fish, evolutionary toxicology, transcriptomics, toxicity mechanisms, comparative physiology, anthropogenic stressors.
Trudeau, Vance Researcher outside Quebec University of Ottawa Biology department Canada Endocrine disruptors, pesticides, naphthenic acids, estrogens, fish, amphibians
Triffault-Bouchet, Gaëlle Government researcher MELCCFP CEAEQ Canada Contaminant bioavailability, aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicology, risk assessment.
Vaillancourt, Cathy Québec Professor Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologies Canada Ecosystem approach to health, pregnancy, placenta, natural disaster, endocrine disruptor, serotonin, stress, melatonin.
Zbinden, Dany Non-profit organization researcher Mériscope Canada Marine mammals, minke whale biopsy sampling, behavioral ecology, polar biology.