Symposium 2024

Symposium presidents’ words

The concerted edition of the 28th Symposium of Chapitre Saint-Laurent and the 5th symposium of EcotoQ will reunite researchers, practitioners, decision-makers and citizens around the theme « Le conseil scientifique en environnement : à l’interface de la science et de la société ».

Environmental and scientific advice is a process to mobilise, comunicate and use scientific knowledge to enlighten decision making and actions that brings consequences on the environment and on society. This independent consultative organ is defined by its training and scientific experience and plays a fondamental role on the environmental governance. It helps advance environemental considerations and science-based decision-making, by promoting collaboration, communication, education adn leadership, as mentioned in the mission declaration of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC).

En rassemblant des spécialistes scientifiques de diverses disciplines, un conseil scientifique en environnement contribuera efficacement à la mobilisation des connaissances, au décloisonnement de la recherche académique, à la construction de collaborations pluridisciplinaires et transsectorielles. Cela profitera autant aux instances de gouvernance et de régulation qu’à toute personne susceptible d’être affectée par les enjeux environnementaux abordés. Agissant à l’interface de la science et de la société, ce conseil doit prendre en compte les préoccupations sociales et économiques tout en s’appuyant sur les connaissances scientifiques les plus récentes pour guider les choix et comportements individuels et collectifs vers des solutions durables et équitables pour l’environnement et la société.

Moreover, to get traction and recognition, this consultative organ must respect the principles of transparency, rigor, ethics, credibility, legitimity and pertinence. Mutual confidence between all actors is needed: scientists, industrals, decision-makers, public.

This concerted symposium offers the unique possibility to explore and discuss of tangible cases of scientific advices for the environment. coming from different fields of society. You will also have the opportunity to learn and discuss about the good practices, methods, tools, impacts and learned lessons on the current issues of society that affect all.

We are honoured to chair the 2024 edition of the concerted symposium Chapitre Saint-Laurent and d’EcotoQ. This will be the opportunity of numerous discussions on the role and impact of the scientific advice in environmental fields!

We hope to see many of you at this unique event!

Gaëlle and Dominic

Access to the platform of the Symposium Chapitre St-Laurent et d’EcotoQ 2024

Session themes

Abstract submission will end on march 31st 2024.

Send your abstract here!


Registrations are open!
