Publiée le 18 février 2021
Benjamin Barst is a Research Assistant Professor in the Water and Environmental Research Center at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and is also affiliated with the Alaska Stable Isotope Facility. He completed his PhD at INRS-ETE and postdoctoral fellowships at McGill University and the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Dr. Barst is interested in the movement of environmental contaminants, their variations in time and space, their effects on fish and wildlife, and how wildlife and human exposures are influenced by diet and non-chemical threats, such as invasive species and climate change. He takes a One Health research approach to study contamination of northern aquatic ecosystems.

A One Health paradigm, which recognizes the interconnectedness of animal, human, and environmental health, is a relevant approach for tackling the complex issues associated with environmental mercury contamination of northern ecosystems. This presentation will first focus on the exposure pathways and effects of mercury on populations of Arctic char in the Canadian High Arctic through the application of novel sampling and stable isotopic techniques. The presentation will then discuss how these approaches can be applied to other fish and wildlife, as well as humans.
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