Septième webinaire de la série « Les webinaires EcotoQ-CSL »
Kevin Elliott is a Professor of Philosophy at Michigan State University. He works at the intersection of the philosophy of science and issues in practical ethics, including research ethics and environmental ethics. Much of his scholarship explores the roles that ethical and social values play in scientific research. His books include Is a Little Pollution Good for You? Incorporating Societal Values in Environmental Research (Oxford University Press, 2011) and A Tapestry of Values: An Introduction to Values in Science (Oxford University Press, 2017). He currently serves as a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences Committee on Emerging Science for Environmental Health Decisions.
This talk will provide an overview of the open science movement. First, it will discuss the major goals of the movement, including efforts to generate more rapid innovation, promote more reproducible science, and make information available to a wide array of stakeholders. Second, it will highlight the range of initiatives currently being implemented or considered as part of the open science movement, including open access publications, data repositories, registries of study results, guidelines such as the FAIR and TOP principles, open peer review processes, sharing of materials and computer code, and strategies for reporting study results in “real time.” Third, it will discuss potential barriers and challenges, such as the privacy concerns that have complicated the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed policy regarding data availability. Finally, the talk will discuss major opportunities for moving forward with open science, including strategies for reaching a wider range of stakeholders with the forms of information that are most relevant to them.
Language: English, with slides in English
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Langue : Anglais, avec diaporama en anglais
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ID de réunion : 960 2296 2848
Ne manquez pas Les webinaires EcotoQ-CSL : une série de vidéoconférences ouvertes à toutes et tous, organisée par EcotoQ et le Chapitre Saint-Laurent! Cette série offrira un webinaire toutes les deux semaines jusqu’en décembre à compter du 22 juin à 11h00. Les présentations d’une durée de 35 min environ seront offertes par les membres d’EcotoQ, mais aussi des conférenciers invités. Retrouvez les webinaires précédents sur notre chaîne YouTube!